#!/usr/bin/perl =pod =head1 NAME tv_grab_fi_sv - Grab TV listings for Finland in Swedish. =head1 SYNOPSIS tv_grab_fi_sv --help tv_grab_fi_sv --version tv_grab_fi_sv --capabilities tv_grab_fi_sv --description tv_grab_fi_sv [--config-file FILE] [--days N] [--offset N] [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug] tv_grab_fi_sv --configure [--config-file FILE] tv_grab_fi_sv --configure-api [--stage NAME] [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] tv_grab_fi_sv --list-channels [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug] =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves and displays TV listings for the Finnish YLE channels plus some of the most popular commercial channels. The data comes from www.yle.fi and the Swedish listings are retrieved rather than the Finnish. Just like tv_grab_fi, this grabber relies on parsing HTML so it could very well stop working at any time. You have been warned. =head1 OPTIONS B<--help> Print a help message and exit. B<--version> Show the versions of the XMLTV libraries, the grabber and of key modules used for processing listings. B<--capabilities> Show which capabilities the grabber supports. For more information, see L B<--description> Show a brief description of the grabber. B<--config-file FILE> Specify the name of the configuration file to use. If not specified, a default of B<~/.xmltv/tv_grab_fi_sv.conf> is used. This is the file written by B<--configure> and read when grabbing. B<--output FILE> When grabbing, write output to FILE rather than to standard output. B<--days N> When grabbing, grab N days of data instead of all available. Supported values are 1-14. Default: 14 B<--offset N> Start grabbing at today + N days. Supported values are 0-13. Default: 0 =head1 SEE ALSO L. =head1 AUTHOR Per Lundberg, (perlun at gmail dot com). Inspired/based on other grabbers, like tv_grab_uk_rt, tv_grab_se_swedb and tv_grab_fi. =cut use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use DateTime; use Encode; use HTML::TreeBuilder; use IO::Scalar; use XMLTV; use XMLTV::Ask qw/say/; use XMLTV::Configure::Writer; use XMLTV::Get_nice 0.005070; use XMLTV::Memoize; use XMLTV::Options qw/ParseOptions/; sub t; # Constants. # my $DATA_SITE_ROOT = 'https://areena.yle.fi/'; # Finnish my $DATA_SITE_ROOT = 'https://arenan.yle.fi/'; # Swedish my $GRABBER_NAME = 'tv_grab_fi_sv'; my $GRABBER_VERSION = "$XMLTV::VERSION"; my $XML_ENCODING = 'utf-8'; my $LANGUAGE_CODE = 'sv'; # This is not the timezone for the machine on which the grabber is # being run, but rather the timezone in which all the grabbed data is # being specified. my $TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Helsinki'; # Attributes of the root element in output. my $xmltv_attributes = { 'source-info-url' => 'http://www.yle.fi/', 'source-data-url' => "$DATA_SITE_ROOT/", 'generator-info-name' => "XMLTV/$XMLTV::VERSION, $GRABBER_NAME $GRABBER_VERSION", 'generator-info-url' => 'http://www.xmltv.org', }; XMLTV::Memoize::check_argv('XMLTV::Get_nice::get_nice_aux'); # The list of channels available from the Yle Program Guide. Their # names are deliberately specified in a manner which would be natural # for people watching e.g. TV channels from Sweden (so that "TV1" # would in their mindset not necessarily refer to Yle's TV1 channel - # thus, the reason behind the "Yle" prefixing here). # # The key in this hash is the name of the channel as given on the Yle # program guide web page. my $channels = { 'tv1.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'tv1.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'YLE TV1', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'tv2.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'tv2.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'YLE TV2', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'teemafem.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'teemafem.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'YLE TEEMA/FEM', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'arenan.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'arenan.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'ARENAN', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'mtv3.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'mtv3.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'MTV3', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'nelonen.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'nelonen.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'NELONEN', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'sub.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'sub.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'SUB', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'tv5.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'tv5.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'TV5', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'liv.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'liv.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'LIV', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'jim.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'jim.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'JIM', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'kutonen.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'kutonen.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'KUTONEN', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'tlc.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'tlc.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'TLC', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'star.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'star.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'STAR', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'ava.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'ava.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'AVA', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'hero.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'hero.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'HERO', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'frii.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'frii.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'FRII', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'natgeo.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'natgeo.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, 'tvfinland.yle.fi' => { 'id' => 'tvfinland.yle.fi', 'display-name' => [[ 'TV FINLAND', $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] }, }; # Map between channel names (as presented by the YLE data) and channel # IDs, as created by us. my $channel_id_map = { 'yle-tv1' => 'tv1.yle.fi', 'yle-tv2' => 'tv2.yle.fi', 'yle-teema-fem' => 'teemafem.yle.fi', 'yle-arenan' => 'arenan.yle.fi', 'mtv3' => 'mtv3.yle.fi', 'nelonen' => 'nelonen.yle.fi', 'sub' => 'sub.yle.fi', 'tv5' => 'tv5.yle.fi', 'liv' => 'liv.yle.fi', 'jim' => 'jim.yle.fi', 'kutonen' => 'kutonen.yle.fi', 'tlc' => 'tlc.yle.fi', 'star-channel' => 'star.yle.fi', 'ava' => 'ava.yle.fi', 'hero' => 'hero.yle.fi', 'frii' => 'frii.yle.fi', 'national-geographic' => 'natgeo.yle.fi', 'tv-finland' => 'tvfinland.yle.fi', }; my @ARGUMENTS = @ARGV; # Parse the standard XMLTV grabber options. my ($opt, $conf) = ParseOptions( { grabber_name => "tv_grab_fi_sv", capabilities => [qw/baseline manualconfig apiconfig/], stage_sub => \&config_stage, listchannels_sub => \&list_channels, version => $GRABBER_VERSION, description => "Finland (Swedish)", defaults => { days => 14, offset => 0, quiet => 0, debug => 0 }, }); t("Command line arguments: " . join(' ', @ARGUMENTS)); # When we get here, we know that we are invoked in such a way that the # channel data should be grabbed. # Configure the output and write the XMLTV data - header, channels, # listings, and footer my $writer; setup_xmltv_writer(); write_xmltv_header(); write_channel_list(@{ $conf->{channel} }); write_listings_data(@{ $conf->{channel} }); write_xmltv_footer(); # For the moment, we always claim that we've exited successfully... exit 0; sub t { my $message = shift; print STDERR $message . "\n" if $opt->{debug}; } sub config_stage { my($stage, $conf) = shift; die "Unknown stage $stage" if $stage ne "start"; # This grabber doesn't need any configuration (except for # possibly channel, selection), so this subroutine doesn't need # to do very much at all. my $result; my $writer = new XMLTV::Configure::Writer(OUTPUT => \$result, encoding => $XML_ENCODING); $writer->start({ grabber => 'tv_grab_fi_sv' }); $writer->end('select-channels'); return $result; } # Returns a string containing an xml-document with -elements # for all available channels. sub list_channels { my ($conf, $opt) = shift; my $result = ''; my $fh = new IO::Scalar \$result; my $oldfh = select($fh); # Create an XMLTV::Writer object. The important part here is that # the output should go to $fh (in other words, to the $result # string), NOT to stdout... my %writer_args = ( encoding => $XML_ENCODING, OUTPUT => $fh ); my $writer = new XMLTV::Writer(%writer_args); $writer->start($xmltv_attributes); # Loop over all channels and write them to this XMLTV::Writer. foreach my $channel_id (keys %{ $channels }) { my $channel = $channels->{$channel_id}; $writer->write_channel($channel); } $writer->end; select($oldfh); $fh->close(); return $result; } # Determine options for XMLTV::Writer, and instantiate it. sub setup_xmltv_writer { # output options my %g_args = (); if (defined $opt->{output}) { t("\nOpening XML output file '$opt->{output}'\n"); my $fh = new IO::File ">$opt->{output}"; die "Error: Cannot write to '$opt->{output}', exiting" if (!$fh); %g_args = (OUTPUT => $fh); } # Determine how many days of listings are required and # range-check, applying default values if necessary. If --days or # --offset is specified we must ensure that the values for days, # offset and cutoff are passed to XMLTV::Writer. my %d_args = (); if (defined $opt->{days} || defined $opt->{offset}) { if (defined $opt->{days}) { if ($opt->{days} < 1 || $opt->{days} > 14) { if (!$opt->{quiet}) { say("Specified --days option is not possible (1-14). " . "Retrieving all available listings."); } $opt->{days} = 14 } } else { # No --days parameter were given. Use the default. $opt->{days} = 14; } if (defined $opt->{offset}) { if ($opt->{offset} < 0 || $opt->{offset} > 13) { if (!$opt->{quiet}) { say("Specified --offset option is not possible (0-13). " . "Retrieving all available listings."); } $opt->{offset} = 0; } } else { $opt->{offset} = 0; } $d_args{days} = $opt->{days}; $d_args{offset} = $opt->{offset}; $d_args{cutoff} = "000000"; } t("Setting up XMLTV::Writer using \"" . $XML_ENCODING . "\" for output"); $writer = new XMLTV::Writer(%g_args, %d_args, encoding => $XML_ENCODING); } # Writes the XMLTV header. sub write_xmltv_header { t("Writing XMLTV header"); $writer->start($xmltv_attributes); } # Writes the channel list for all configured channels sub write_channel_list { my (@channels) = @_; t("Started writing elements"); foreach my $channel_id (sort @channels) { my $channel = $channels->{$channel_id}; $writer->write_channel($channel); } t("Finished writing elements"); } # Download listings data for all the configured channels sub write_listings_data { my (@channels) = @_; my $programmes = {}; my $previous_programmes = {}; say(scalar @channels ." configured channels") if !$opt->{quiet}; $XMLTV::Get_nice::ua->default_header('Accept-Language' => "$LANGUAGE_CODE"); my $dt_today = DateTime->today( time_zone => $TIMEZONE ); say(" Today: " . $dt_today->strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z')) if $opt->{debug}; # Get start & stop times for the grab my $dt_grab_start = $dt_today->clone->add( days => $opt->{offset} ); say("Grab start: " . $dt_grab_start->strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z')) if $opt->{debug}; my $dt_grab_stop = $dt_grab_start->clone->add( days => $opt->{days} ); say(" Grab stop: " . $dt_grab_stop->strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z')) if $opt->{debug}; # schedules run from 06:00-06:00 so to pass tv_validate_file we need # to get the day before also DAY: for (my $i = $opt->{offset} - 1; $i < $opt->{offset} + $opt->{days}; $i++) { # Create URL for the schedules for this channel/month/day combination. # e.g. https://areena.yle.fi/tv/guide?t=2017-09-08 my $date = $dt_today->clone->add( days => $i ); my $url = sprintf('%stv/guide?t=%s', $DATA_SITE_ROOT, $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d' )); say("Downloading $url") if $opt->{debug}; # The yle website does not parse correctly via HTML::TreeBuilder unless # we accept it as-is, hence $t->implicit_tags(0) my $htb_opts = { 'implicit_tags' => '0', 'ignore_unknown' => '0', }; my $tree = get_nice_tree($url, undef, undef, $htb_opts); my @t_channels = $tree->look_down('_tag' => 'li', 'class' => 'guide-channels__channel'); say ' Found '.scalar @t_channels.' channels' if $opt->{debug}; next DAY if scalar @t_channels == 0; # Can't use foreach because of clumpidx processing below CHANNEL: for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar @t_channels; $j++) { my $t_channel = $t_channels[$j]; my $chan_id_raw = $t_channel->look_down('_tag' => 'div')->attr('aria-label'); my $chan_id = lc (join ('-', split (' ', $chan_id_raw)) ); # Check if this program belongs to one of the # configured channels. If it doesn't, ignore it. say " Found $chan_id" if $opt->{debug}; my $c_channel_id = $channel_id_map->{$chan_id}; if (!$c_channel_id) { say " UNKNOWN CHANNEL ID $chan_id, skipping" if $opt->{debug}; next CHANNEL; } # skip if channel not requested by user next CHANNEL if !(grep { $_ eq $c_channel_id } @channels); say " Processing $c_channel_id" if $opt->{debug}; my $t_schedule = $t_channel->look_down('_tag' => 'ul', 'class' => 'schedule-list'); my @t_progs = $t_schedule->look_down('_tag' => 'li', 'class' => qr/schedule-card/); say " Found " . scalar @t_progs . " programmes" if $opt->{debug}; PROGRAMME: foreach my $t_prog (@t_progs) { my ($t_prog_label, $t_prog_desc, $t_prog_link, $t_prog_title, $t_prog_film); my ($p_start, $e_start, $p_end, $p_dtstart, $p_dtend); my ($p_title, $p_subtitle, $p_desc, $p_url, $p_category, $p_rating); my ($p_season, $p_episode_num, $p_episode_total, $p_part_num, $p_number); $t_prog_label = $t_prog->look_down('_tag' => 'span', 'itemprop' => 'name'); next PROGRAMME unless $t_prog_label; $p_title = $t_prog_label->as_text(); say " Processing title: " . $p_title if $opt->{debug}; # Extract film category from title if ($p_title =~ s/^(Film|Ny film|Elokuva):\s*//) { $p_category = $1; } # Extract rating details if ($p_title =~ s/\s*\((S|T|7|12|16|18)\)$//) { $p_rating = $1; } # Extract season number from title if present if ($p_title =~ s/\s(\d+)\.\skausi//i) { $p_season = $1; } $t_prog_desc = $t_prog->look_down('_tag' => 'span', 'itemprop' => 'description'); # Extract possible sub-title/season/episode numbering from description # Try to handle both Finnish and Swedish versions if ($t_prog_desc) { $p_desc = $t_prog_desc->as_text(); # Extract rating details from desc if ($p_desc =~ s/^\((S|T|7|12|16|18)\)\.\s*//) { $p_rating = $1; } # Remove/update new season text before processing for ($p_desc) { $_ =~ s/^Sarja alkaa\.\s*//i; $_ =~ s/^Sarja alkaa uusintana\.\s*//i; $_ =~ s/^Sarja alkaa alusta uusintana\.\s*//i; $_ =~ s/^(\d+)\. kausi alkaa uusintana. Osa (\d+)\./Kausi $1. Osa $2./i; $_ =~ s/^Kausi (\d+) \w+\. (\d+)\/(\d+)\./Kausi $1. Osa $2\/$3./i; $_ =~ s/^(\d+)\. tuotantokausi, (\d+)\/(\d+)/Kausi $1, $2\/$3/i; $_ =~ s/^Sarja alkaa, (?:osa)? (\d+)\/(\d+)/Kausi 1, $1\/$2/i; $_ =~ s/^Uusi kausi\!\s*//i; $_ =~ s/^Uusi sarja\!\s*//i; } # Extract likely sub-title if ($p_desc =~ s/^(.*)\. K?ausi (\d+)/Kausi $2/) { $p_subtitle = $1; } if ($p_desc =~ s/^(?:Kausi|Säsong)\s*(\d+)[.,]\s*(?:Jakso|Avsnitt|Osa|Del)?\s*(\d+)\s*\/?\s*(\d+)?\s*\.//i) { $p_season = $1; $p_episode_num = $2; $p_episode_total = $3; } elsif ($p_desc =~ s/^(?:Kausi|Säsong)\s*(\d+)[.,]\s*(\d+)\s*\/\s*(\d+)\s*(\w)/$4/i) { $p_season = $1; $p_episode_num = $2; $p_episode_total = $3; } elsif ($p_desc =~ s/^(?:Kausi|Säsong)\s*(\d+)[.,]\s*(?:Jakso|Avsnitt)\s*(\d+)[.,]\s*(?:Osa|Del)\s*(\d+)\s*\.//i) { $p_season = $1; $p_episode_num = $2; $p_part_num = $3; } elsif ($p_desc =~ s/^(?:Jakso|Avsnitt|Osa|Del)\s*(\d+)\s*\/?\s*(\d+)?\s*\.//i) { $p_episode_num = $1; $p_episode_total = $2; } elsif ($p_desc =~ s/\. (?:Jakso|Avsnitt|Osa|Del)\s*(\d+)\s*\/?\s*(\d+)?\s*\.?$//i) { $p_episode_num = $1; $p_episode_total = $2; } elsif ($p_desc =~ s/^(?:Jakso|Avsnitt|Osa|Del)\s*(\d+):\s*//i) { $p_episode_num = $1; } # Remove/update new season text after processing for ($p_desc) { $_ =~ s/^\s*Uusi \d+\. kausi\!//i; $_ =~ s/^\s*Uusi kausi\!\s*//i; $_ =~ s/^\s*Uusi sarja\!\s*//i; } $p_desc = trim( tidy( $p_desc ) ); } # FIXME # extract cast information from description # extract movie year # extract original movie title # Create correctly-indexed programme season/episode numbering # # series number is zero-indexed if (defined $p_season && $p_season > 0) { $p_season--; } else { $p_season = ''; } # episode number is zero-indexed if (defined $p_episode_num && $p_episode_num > 0) { $p_episode_num--; } else { $p_episode_num = ''; } # episode total is one-indexed and should always be greater than the # max episode number (which is zero-indexed) if (defined $p_episode_total && $p_episode_total > 0 && $p_episode_total > $p_episode_num ) { $p_episode_total = "/" . $p_episode_total; } else { $p_episode_total = ''; } # part number is zero-indexed if (defined $p_part_num && $p_part_num > 0) { $p_part_num--; } else { $p_part_num = ''; } $p_number = "" . $p_season . "." . $p_episode_num . $p_episode_total . "." . $p_part_num; # If programme is outside of requested timeframe then drop it $p_start = $t_prog->look_down('_tag' => 'time', 'itemprop' => 'startDate')->attr('datetime'); # say(" StartDate: " . $p_start) if $opt->{debug}; my $dt_prog_start = dt_from_itempropdate($p_start); if ($dt_prog_start < $dt_grab_start || $dt_prog_start >= $dt_grab_stop) { # say(" ** Programme starts outside of grabbing window, skipping...\n") if $opt->{debug}; next PROGRAMME; } $p_end = $t_prog->look_down('_tag' => 'time', 'itemprop' => 'endDate')->attr('datetime'); my $dt_prog_stop = dt_from_itempropdate($p_end); $p_dtstart = xmltv_isotime( $p_start ); $p_dtend = xmltv_isotime( $p_end ); # If the previous programme on this channel overlaps with the start time of this programme, # trust our start time and update the stop time of the previous programme if (exists $previous_programmes->{$c_channel_id} and $previous_programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{'stop'} gt $p_dtstart) { say(" ** Overlap detected, updating previous programme's stop time") if !$opt->{quiet}; $previous_programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{'stop'} = $p_dtstart; } $t_prog_link = $t_prog->look_down('_tag' => 'a', 'class' => 'schedule-card__link'); $p_url = $DATA_SITE_ROOT . $t_prog_link->attr('href') if $t_prog_link; $p_url =~ s/(? $c_channel_id, 'title' => [[ encode('utf-8', $p_title), $LANGUAGE_CODE ]], 'start' => $p_dtstart, 'stop' => $p_dtend, }; $programme->{'desc'} = [[ encode('utf-8', $p_desc ), $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] if (defined $p_desc && $p_desc ne ''); $programme->{'sub-title'} = [[ encode('utf-8', $p_subtitle), $LANGUAGE_CODE ]] if (defined $p_subtitle && $p_subtitle ne ''); $programme->{'category'} = [[ encode('utf-8', $p_category) ]] if (defined $p_category && $p_category ne ''); $programme->{'url'} = [ $p_url ] if (defined $p_url && $p_url ne ''); $programme->{'rating'} = [ [ $p_rating, 'KAVI' ] ] if (defined $p_rating && $p_rating ne ''); $programme->{'episode-num'} = [ [ $p_number, "xmltv_ns" ] ] if defined $p_number && $p_number ne '..'; # store the programme avoiding duplicates # also check for duplicate start times and set clumpidx if ( defined $programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{$p_dtstart} ) { # duplicate prog or contemporary? my $dup = 0; foreach my $p ( @{ $programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{$p_dtstart} } ) { $dup = 1 if ( $p->{'title'}[0][0] eq $programme->{'title'}[0][0] ); # duplicate } next PROGRAMME if $dup; # ignore duplicates if (!$dup) { # contemporary programme so set clumpidx my $numclumps = scalar @{ $programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{$p_dtstart} } + 1; # set (or adjust) clumpidx of existing programmes my $i = 0; foreach my $p ( @{ $programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{$p_dtstart} } ) { $p->{'clumpidx'} = "$i/$numclumps"; $i++; } # set clumpidx for new programme $programme->{'clumpidx'} = "$i/$numclumps"; } } # store the programme push @{ $programmes->{$c_channel_id}->{$p_dtstart} }, $programme; # remember previous programme on this channel to check start/stop overlap $previous_programmes->{$c_channel_id} = $programme; } } } # All data has been gathered. We can now write the programmes hash to output. foreach ( sort keys %{$programmes} ) { my $ch_progs = $programmes->{$_}; foreach ( sort keys %{$ch_progs} ) { my $dt_progs = $ch_progs->{$_}; foreach (@{ $dt_progs }) { $writer->write_programme($_); } } } } # Writes the XMLTV footer. sub write_xmltv_footer { t("\nWriting XMLTV footer\n"); $writer->end; } # Remove bad chars from an element sub tidy( $ ) { return $_[0] if !defined $_[0]; $_[0] =~ s/(\s)\xA0/$1/og; # replace 'space- ' with 'space' $_[0] =~ s/\xA0/ /og; # replace any remaining   with space $_[0] =~ s/\xAD//og; # delete soft hyphens return $_[0]; } # Trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the # string. sub trim ($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } # Converts a DateTime + time of the form "2014-04-12T09:00:00+03:00" to something suitable # for XMLTV, i.e. 20140412090000 +0300 sub xmltv_isotime ($) { my $time = shift; # let's not overthink this... just use a regexp! $time =~ s/[:-]//g; $time =~ /^(\d{8})T(\d{6}).*(\+\d{4})$/; return $1.$2.' '.$3; } # Convert a string of the form "2017-09-09T06:00:00+03:00" to a DateTime sub dt_from_itempropdate { my $date = shift; my ($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s, $t, $th, $tm) = $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([\+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/; return DateTime->new( year => $y, month => $m, day => $d, hour => $h, minute => $i, second => $s, time_zone => "$t$th$tm", ); }