#!/usr/bin/perl ###################################################################### # Changelog: # 19/04/2009 first release ###################################################################### # initializations use warnings; use strict; =pod =head1 NAME tv_grab_it_dvb - Grab TV listings for Italy from the DVB-S stream =head1 SYNOPSIS tv_grab_it_dvb --help tv_grab_it_dvb [--adapter N] [--config-file FILE] --configure tv_grab_it_dvb [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--days N] [--offset N] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--adapter N] [--no-cache-summaries] =head1 DESCRIPTION Output TV listings for several channels as provided by the DVB-S stream from Skyitalia. This grabber is based on the work of Lukkinosat for everything concerning the decoding of data. The tuning part is mostly a port to perl of the relevant parts in szap. This is an early release and should be considered beta quality. First run B to choose which channels you want to download. Then running B with no arguments will output listings in XML format to standard output. B<--configure> Prompt for which channels, and writes the configuration file. B<--adapter> Use this adapter for tuning and grabbing. Default is 0. B<--config-file FILE> Set the name of the configuration file, the default is B<~/.xmltv/tv_grab_it_dvb.conf>. This is the file written by B<--configure> and read when grabbing. B<--gui OPTION> Use this option to enable a graphical interface to be used. OPTION may be 'Tk', or left blank for the best available choice. Additional allowed values of OPTION are 'Term' for normal terminal output (default) and 'TermNoProgressBar' to disable the use of XMLTV::ProgressBar. B<--output FILE> write to FILE rather than standard output. B<--days N> Grab N days. Since we cannot decide how much data we get we simply throw away everything above this number of days. B<--offset N> Start N days in the future. The default is to start from today. B<--quiet> Suppress the progress messages normally written to standard error. B<--no-cache-summaries> Disables caching of summaries in the file summaries.cache It is advised to leave this option on as the summaries part of the data stream can be very different between grabs, and you might get blank descriptions. B<--verbose> Prints out verbose information useful for debugging. Repeat (up to 4x) for more verbosiness B<--min-noname> This is a hack. As I have a situation where there are a few channels whose name I cannot find (usually 3 or 4) you can sat the number of channel that can be left nameless. Try using this if the grabber keep on running forever. B<--version> Show the version of the grabber. B<--help> Print a help message and exit. =head1 CAVEATS This grabber relies on the linux dvb api, and therefore does not run under windows. =head1 EXAMPLES =over =item tv_grab_it_dvb --adapter 2 --configure configures tv_grab_it_dvb using adapter number 2 =item tv_grab_it_dvb --adapter 2 --quiet grabs the full data without displaying anything (useful in cron scripts) =back =head1 SEE ALSO L. =head1 AUTHOR Davide Chiarini, davide.chiarini@gmail.com you can find some more help at http://www.htpcpoint.it/forum/ =cut use File::Slurp; use Linux::DVB; use Time::HiRes; use IO::Select; use XMLTV; use XMLTV::Version "$XMLTV::VERSION"; #use XMLTV::Capabilities qw/baseline manualconfig cache/; use XMLTV::Description 'SkyEPG Italy'; use XMLTV::Supplement qw/GetSupplement/; use HTML::Entities; use HTML::Parser; use URI::Escape; use Getopt::Long; use Date::Manip; use XMLTV::Memoize; use XMLTV::Ask; use XMLTV::Config_file; use XMLTV::ProgressBar; use XMLTV::DST; use XMLTV::Get_nice; use XMLTV::Mode; use XMLTV::Usage <tp 58 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (11881000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 1); #tp 59 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (11900000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 0); #tp 62 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (11958000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 1); #tp 63 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (11977000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 0); #tp 64 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (11996000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 1); #tp 66 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (12034000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 1); #tp 67 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (12054000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 0); #tp 68 ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = (12073000, FEC_3_4, INVERSION_AUTO, 27500000, 1); my $MAX_ACTIVE_FILTERS = 6; my $TIMEOUT_FILTER = 5000; # ms my $read_buf_size = 2*4096; my $starttime = time; #we close the grabber after this many seconds, even if filters are still open (or stuck...) my $maxtime = 3600; my $endBAT = 0; #don't know why I get different results through consecutive grabs. to avoid this I grab the BAT table this many times: my $maxBAT = 5; my $endSDT = 0; my $id_SDT = 100000; my $nchannelsSDT = 0; my $channelsBAT = 0; my $sigint_stop = 0; my $fe; #dvb frontend #the filters in loadepg have a mask, but if I use it I don't get any data... am I missing something? # ([0x11, 0x4a ], [ 0x11, 0x42 ], [ 0x11, 0x46 ], [ 0x30, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x31, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x32, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x33, 0xa0, 0xfc ], # [ 0x34, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x35, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x36, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x37, 0xa0, 0xfc ], [ 0x40, 0xa8, 0xfc ], [ 0x41, 0xa8, 0xfc ], # [ 0x42, 0xa8, 0xfc ], [ 0x43, 0xa8, 0xfc ], [ 0x44, 0xa8, 0xfc ], [ 0x45, 0xa8, 0xfc ], [ 0x46, 0xa8, 0xfc ], [ 0x47, 0xa8, 0xfc ]); my %filters = ( 0, { pid_mask => [ 0x11, 0x4a ]}, 1, { pid_mask => [ 0x11, 0x42 ]}, 2, { pid_mask => [ 0x11, 0x46 ]}, 3, { pid_mask => [ 0x30, 0xa0 ]}, 4, { pid_mask => [ 0x31, 0xa0 ]}, 5, { pid_mask => [ 0x32, 0xa0 ]}, 6, { pid_mask => [ 0x33, 0xa0 ]}, 7, { pid_mask => [ 0x34, 0xa0 ]}, 8, { pid_mask => [ 0x35, 0xa0 ]}, 9, { pid_mask => [ 0x36, 0xa0 ]}, 10, { pid_mask => [ 0x37, 0xa0 ]}, 11, { pid_mask => [ 0x40, 0xa8 ]}, 12, { pid_mask => [ 0x41, 0xa8 ]}, 13, { pid_mask => [ 0x42, 0xa8 ]}, 14, { pid_mask => [ 0x43, 0xa8 ]}, 15, { pid_mask => [ 0x44, 0xa8 ]}, 16, { pid_mask => [ 0x45, 0xa8 ]}, 17, { pid_mask => [ 0x46, 0xa8 ]}, 18, { pid_mask => [ 0x47, 0xa8 ]}, ); my %channels; #to store site-id-> xmltv_id my %channels_info; #we store all of the channel data we have in here my %display_names; #used in configuration my %site_ids; my %bouquets; my %titles; my %seen_descs; ###################################################################### # Get options, including undocumented --cache option. my ($opt_days, $opt_offset, $opt_help, $opt_output, $opt_verbose, $opt_configure, $opt_config_file, $opt_gui, $opt_quiet, $opt_list_channels, $opt_adapter, $opt_no_cache_summaries, $opt_share, $opt_min_noname, ); $opt_offset = 0; # default $opt_quiet = 0; # default $opt_adapter = 0; # default $opt_verbose = 0; # default $opt_days = 99; # default $opt_min_noname = 3; # default GetOptions('days=i' => \$opt_days, 'offset=i' => \$opt_offset, 'help' => \$opt_help, 'configure' => \$opt_configure, 'config-file=s' => \$opt_config_file, 'gui:s' => \$opt_gui, 'output=s' => \$opt_output, 'quiet' => \$opt_quiet, 'verbose+' => \$opt_verbose, 'list-channels' => \$opt_list_channels, 'adapter=i' => \$opt_adapter, 'share=s' => \$opt_share, 'min-noname=i' => \$opt_min_noname, 'no-cache-summaries' => \$opt_no_cache_summaries, ) or usage(0); die "number of days (--days) must not be negative. You gave: $opt_days\n" if (defined $opt_days && $opt_days < 0); die "offset days (--offset) must not be negative. You gave: $opt_offset\n" if ($opt_offset < 0); usage(1) if $opt_help; $opt_verbose = 0 if ($opt_quiet); my $SHARE_DIR = undef; $SHARE_DIR = $opt_share if defined $opt_share; my $OUR_SHARE_DIR = (defined $SHARE_DIR) ? "$SHARE_DIR/tv_grab_it_dvb" : '.'; #this is the huffman dictionary my $code = load_code_table("$OUR_SHARE_DIR/sky_it.dict"); #this is the category db my $themes = load_themes("$OUR_SHARE_DIR/sky_it.themes"); #we cache descriptions unless ($opt_no_cache_summaries) { if (-f 'summaries.cache') { rename 'summaries.cache', 'oldsummaries.cache' or die $!; } open CACHE, ">summaries.cache" or die $! ; } #since we cannot decide what data we receive we will just throw away what we don't want $opt_days = $opt_days; my $mode = XMLTV::Mode::mode('grab', $opt_list_channels => 'list-channels', $opt_configure => 'configure'); XMLTV::Ask::init($opt_gui); # reads the file channel_ids, which contains the tables to convert # between backends' ids and XMLTV ids of channels. # there are two fields: xmltv_id and site_id. #my $str = GetSupplement( "tv_grab_it_dvb", "channel_ids" ); my $str = read_file( "$OUR_SHARE_DIR/channel_ids") ; my $CHANNEL_NAMES_FILE = "channel_ids"; my %seen; my $line_num = 0; foreach (split( /\n/, $str )) { ++ $line_num; tr/\r//d; s/#.*//; next if m/^\s*$/; my $where = "$CHANNEL_NAMES_FILE:$line_num"; my @fields = split /;/; die "$where: wrong number of fields" if @fields != 2;#3; my ($xmltv_id, $site_id) = @fields; warn "$where: $site_id already seen\n" if $seen{$site_id}++; warn "$where: XMLTV_id $xmltv_id already seen\n" if $seen{$xmltv_id}++; $channels{$site_id}=$xmltv_id; } # File that stores which channels to download. my $config_file; $config_file= XMLTV::Config_file::filename($opt_config_file, 'tv_grab_it_dvb', $opt_quiet) unless ($mode eq 'list-channels'); XMLTV::Config_file::check_no_overwrite($config_file) if $mode eq 'configure'; # Arguments for XMLTV::Writer. my %w_args; if (defined $opt_output) { die "cannot give --output with --configure" if $mode eq 'configure'; my $fh = new IO::File(">$opt_output"); die "cannot write to $opt_output: $!" if not defined $fh; $w_args{OUTPUT} = $fh; } $w_args{encoding} = 'ISO-8859-1'; $line_num = 0; my $foundchannels; ######################################################### # tune dvb tune($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) || die ("error tuning adapter $opt_adapter\n"); my $bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('getting list of channels', 3) unless ($opt_quiet); # find list of available channels # to do this we poll the first three filters pollfilters(4000, [0, 1, 2]); foreach (keys %channels_info) { next unless (defined $channels_info{$_}{name} and defined $channels_info{$_}{sky_number}); my $xmltv_id = xmltv_chanid($channels_info{$_}{name}); $channels{$channels_info{$_}{name}}=$xmltv_id; $site_ids{$xmltv_id} = $_; } $bar->finish() if (not $opt_quiet); $foundchannels=scalar(keys(%channels)); die ("no channels could be found\n") unless ($foundchannels); warn ("VERBOSE: $foundchannels channels found.\n") if ($opt_verbose); ###################################################################### # write configuration if ($mode eq 'configure') { open(CONF, ">$config_file") or die "cannot write to $config_file: $!"; # Ask about each channel. my @names = sort keys %channels; my @qs = map { "add channel $_?" } @names; my @want = ask_many_boolean(1, @qs); foreach (@names) { die if $_ =~ tr/\r\n//; my $w = shift @want; warn("cannot read input, stopping channel questions"), last if not defined $w; # No need to print to user - XMLTV::Ask is verbose enough. # Print a config line, but comment it out if channel not wanted. print CONF '#' if not $w; print CONF "channel ".$channels{$_}." # $_\n"; } close CONF or warn "cannot close $config_file: $!"; say("Finished configuration."); exit(); } # Not configuring, must be writing some XML. my $w = new XMLTV::Writer(%w_args); $w->start({ 'source-info-url' => 'http://www.skylife.it', 'source-data-url' => 'http://www.skylife.it', 'generator-info-name' => 'XMLTV', 'generator-info-url' => 'http://www.xmltv.org', }); %display_names = reverse %channels; if ($mode eq 'list-channels') { # Write all known channels then finish. foreach my $xmltv_id (sort keys %display_names) { my @chaninfo; my $id = $site_ids{$xmltv_id}; #@chaninfo = ('display-name' => [ [ $display_names{$xmltv_id}], [ $channels_info{$id}{sky_number}], [$id]]); @chaninfo = ('display-name' => [ [ $display_names{$xmltv_id}], [ $channels_info{$id}{sky_number}]]); #test for icons my $iconurl = 'http://guidatv.sky.it/app/guidatv/images/epgimages/channels/grid/'.$channels_info{$id}{sky_number}.'_grid.gif'; push @chaninfo , (icon => [{src => $iconurl}]); $w->write_channel({ id => $xmltv_id, @chaninfo }); } $w->end; exit; } ###################################################################### # read configuration my @channels; $line_num = 0; foreach (XMLTV::Config_file::read_lines($config_file)) { ++ $line_num; next if not defined; if (/^channel:?\s*(.*\S+)\s*$/) { push @channels, $1; } else { warn "$config_file:$line_num: bad line\n"; } } ###################################################################### # grabbing listings foreach my $xmltv_id (@channels) { my @chaninfo; my $id = $site_ids{$xmltv_id}; next unless ($id);#fixme @chaninfo = ('display-name' => [ [ $display_names{$xmltv_id}], [ $channels_info{$id}{sky_number}]]); #@chaninfo = ('display-name' => [ [ $display_names{$xmltv_id}], [ $channels_info{$id}{sky_number}], [$id]]); #test for icons my $iconurl = 'http://guidatv.sky.it/app/guidatv/images/epgimages/channels/grid/'.$channels_info{$id}{sky_number}.'_grid.gif'; push @chaninfo , (icon => [{src => $iconurl}]); $w->write_channel({ id => $xmltv_id, @chaninfo }); } #make a list of channels and days to grab, actually a list of stuff not to throw away my %to_get; my %not_found; #l'id e' scomparso rispetto al channel_ids foreach my $day ($opt_offset .. ($opt_days + $opt_offset - 1)) { #date calc my $data = UnixDate(&DateCalc("today","+ ".$day." days"), '%Y%m%d'); die ('date calculation failed') if not defined $data; foreach my $channel (@channels) { if (not defined $site_ids{$channel}) { warn "channel $channel non esiste=!=!=?!??\n" unless ($not_found{$channel}++); next; } $to_get{$site_ids{$channel}.";".$data}++; } } $bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('getting listings', ((scalar keys %filters) -2)) if not $opt_quiet; #this is where we grab the data pollfilters(4000, [3..18]); if (not $opt_no_cache_summaries and -f 'oldsummaries.cache') { warn "reading summaries from cache\n" if ($opt_verbose); open OLDCACHE, ") { my ($date, $channel_id, $event_id, $desc) = split /\|/, $_; if (not $seen_descs{"$date|$channel_id|$event_id"} and $to_get{"$channel_id;$date"}) { print CACHE "$date|$channel_id|$event_id|$desc|\n"; $seen_descs{"$date|$channel_id|$event_id"}++; if ($desc ne '') { $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{desc}=[[$desc, $LANG] ]; my %data; skylife_parse_data_slow($desc, \%data); foreach (keys %data) { $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}{$_}=$data{$_} if (not defined $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}{$_}); #we might have duplicates } } } } close OLDCACHE; } foreach my $channel_id (keys %titles) { my $xmltv_id = xmltv_chanid($channels_info{$channel_id}{name}); foreach my $program_id(keys %{$titles{$channel_id}}) { my $programme; $programme->{channel} = $xmltv_id; foreach (keys %{$titles{$channel_id}{$program_id}}) { $programme->{$_} = $titles{$channel_id}{$program_id}{$_}; } $w->write_programme($programme) if (defined $programme->{start} and defined $programme->{title}); #i think we might have some orphan summaries } } $w->end; $bar->finish() if not $opt_quiet; close CACHE unless ($opt_no_cache_summaries); unlink 'oldsummaries.cache' unless ($opt_no_cache_summaries); ##################### # general functions # ##################### #################################################### # xmltv_chanid # to handle channels that are not yet in the channel_ids file sub xmltv_chanid { my $channel_id = shift; return unless ($channel_id); # my %chan_ids = reverse %channels; if (defined $channels{$channel_id}) { return $channels{$channel_id}; } else { warn ("***Channel |$channel_id| is not in channel_ids, should be updated.\n") unless $opt_quiet; #print("$channel_id\n"); my $or_channel_id = $channel_id; $channel_id=~ s/\W//gs; #make up an id my $id = lc($channel_id).".skyepg.dvb"; $channels {$or_channel_id} = $id; return $id; } } ######################################################### # tidy # decodes entities and removes some illegal chars sub tidy { for (my $tmp=shift) { s/[\000-\037]//gm; # remove control characters s/[\222]/\'/gm; # messed up char s/[\224]/\"/gm; # end quote s/[\205]/\.\.\./gm; # ... must be something messed up in my regexps? s/[\223]/\"/gm; #start quote s/[\221]/\'/gm; s/\\\'/\'/gm; #s/Ã/à/gm;# s/è/è/g;# s/â/\'/g;# s/è/è/g;# s/à/à/g;# s/ì/ì/g;# s/â¦/\.\.\./g; #mah... if (s/[\200-\237]//g) { if ($opt_verbose){ warn ("VERBOSE: removing illegal char: |\\".ord($&)."|\n"); } } # Remove leading white space s/^\s*//; # Remove trailing white space s/\s*$//; return decode_entities($_); } } sub skylife_parse_data_slow { my ($desc, $programme) = @_; my ($cast, $country, $director, $year, $length, $subtitle, $episode, $season, $prossima, $fulldesc, $filmcat); $desc=~s/\\\'/\'/igm; if ($desc=~/(.*?)\' Stagione - Ep.(\d+?) - (.*)/) { $season = $1; $episode =$2; $desc = $3 if ($3 ne ''); } elsif ($desc=~/(.*?)\' Stagione Episodio (\d+?) - (.*)/) { $season = $1; $episode =$2; $desc = $3 if ($3 ne ''); } elsif ($desc=~/(.*?)\' Stagione Ep.(\d+?) -(.*)/) { $season = $1; $episode =$2; $desc = $3 if ($3 ne ''); } if ($desc=~/(.*?) - (.*)/) { #fixme $subtitle = $1 if ($1 ne '' and $1 ne $programme->{title}); $subtitle = $1 if ($1 ne ''); $desc = $2 if ($2 ne ''); if ($subtitle=~/(.*?)\\\' Stagione/){$season = $1;} if ($subtitle=~/Ep.(\d+)/) {$episode = $1;} $subtitle='' if ($season or $episode); } $desc=~s/^\s+//; if ($desc=~/^\'(.*?)\' (.*)/) { $subtitle.= ' - ' if ($subtitle); #fixme $subtitle= $1 if ($1 ne '' and $1 ne $programme->{title}); $subtitle= $1 if ($1 ne ''); $desc = $2 if ($2 ne ''); } my $strseason = ''; $strseason.= 'Stagione '.$season if ($season); if ($episode and $season){ $strseason.= ' Episodio '.$episode ; } elsif ($episode) { $strseason.= 'Episodio '.$episode ; } if ($strseason ne '' and $subtitle){ $subtitle="$strseason - ".$subtitle ; } elsif ($strseason ne '') { $subtitle=$strseason; }; $fulldesc = $desc; # if ($cat eq 'film'){ # if ($desc=~/(.*) (Prox:.*)$/) { # $desc = $1; # $prossima = $2; # } # } if ($desc=~/(.*)\. (\w+)\. \((\d+)\'\) Di (.*?). Con (.*?) \(([A-Z]+) (\d+?)\)$/) { $filmcat = $2; $length = $3; $director = $4; $cast = $5; $country = $6; $year = $7; $desc = $1 || ''; } elsif ($desc=~/Regia di (.*?), con (.*?); (.*?) (\d+?)\.(.*)/) { $director = $1; $cast = $2; $country = $3; $year = $4; my $length = $5; $desc = $6 || ''; } elsif ($desc=~/Regia di (.*?), con (.*?); (.*?) (\d+?) \((\d+) min\)\. (.*)/) { $director = $1; $cast = $2; $country = $3; $year = $4; my $length = $5; $desc = $6 || ''; } elsif ($desc=~/^(\d+)\. Con ([A-Z].*?)\.(.*)/) { $year = $1; $cast = $2; $desc = $3 || ''; } elsif ($desc=~/^Con ([A-Z].*?)\. (.*)/) { $cast = $1; $desc = $2 || ''; } #tricky one if ($desc=~/^con (.*?)\. (.*)/) { $desc = $2; $cast = $1; if ($cast=~/(.*?); (.*)/) { $cast = $1; $country = $2; } } if ($cast) { my $lastcast; ($cast, $lastcast) = split / e /, $cast; my @cast = split /,/, $cast; push @cast, $lastcast if ($lastcast); foreach (@cast) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; (push @{$programme->{credits}->{actor}}, $_); } } # $content=~s/[\n|\r]+//gm; undef $season if (defined $season and $season!~/\d+/); $programme->{length}= $length*60 if ($length); $programme->{date}= $year if ($year); $programme->{'sub-title'}=[[$subtitle, $LANG] ] if ($subtitle); push@{$programme->{'episode-num'}}, [$strseason, 'onscreen'] if ($strseason); push@{$programme->{'episode-num'}}, [(defined $season ? ($season-1) : '').".".(defined $episode ? ($episode-1) : '').".0/1", 'xmltv_ns'] if ($strseason); #push@{$programme->{category}}, [tidy($filmcat), $LANG ] if (tidy($filmcat) ne ''); push @{$programme->{credits}->{director}}, $director if ($director); push (@{$programme->{country}}, [$country, $LANG]) if ($country); $programme->{desc}=[[tidy($fulldesc), $LANG ]] if ($fulldesc ne ''); } ############################################################## # loads huffman dictionary to decode text data, from lukkinosat sub load_code_table { my %ct; warn ("VERBOSE: reading huffman dictionary table.\n") if ($opt_verbose); my $filename = shift; my @lines = read_file($filename) ; foreach (@lines) { chop; my ($t, $c) = split /=/; if (exists $ct{"$c"}) { die "huffman table: code $t for $c already exists!\n"; } else { $ct{"$c"} = "$t"; } } return \%ct; } ############################################################## # loads byte->category table, from lukkinosat sub load_themes { my %ct; warn ("VERBOSE: reading category table.\n") if ($opt_verbose); my $filename = shift; my @lines = read_file($filename) ; foreach (@lines) { chop; my ($t, $c) = split /=/; $t=~/..(..)/; $t=hex($1); if (exists $ct{"$t"}) { die "category table: code $t for $c already exists!\n"; } else { $ct{"$t"} = "$c"; } } return \%ct; } ############################################################## # huffman decoding sub dehuff { my $string = shift; my $decode = shift; my $string2= unpack('B*', $string); #not b*!!! #discard first two bits $string2=~/^..(.*)$/; $string2=$1; my $ret = ''; my $c = ''; for (split//, $string2){ $c .= $_; next unless (exists $decode->{$c}); last if ($decode->{$c} eq '_eos'); $ret .= $decode->{$c}; $c = ''; } return $ret; } ########################################################################################## #all of the tuning stuff, diseqc, and so on is mostly a port of the according parts in szap sub tune { my ($freq, $fec_inner, $inversion, $symbol_rate, $polarity) = @_; my $ifreq; #this comes from szap, not sure if it will ever be useful here my %lnb_types=( 'UNIVERSAL'=>{ description=> "Europe\n"."10800 to 11800 MHz and 11600 to 12700 Mhz\n"."Dual LO, loband 9750, hiband 10600 MHz", low_val => 9750, high_val => 10600, switch_val => 11700 }, 'DBS'=>{ description=> "Expressvu, North America\n"."12200 to 12700 MHz\n"."Single LO, 11250 MHz", low_val => 11250, high_val => 0, switch_val => 0 }, 'STANDARD'=>{ description=> "10945 to 11450 Mhz\n"."Single LO, 10000 Mhz\n", low_val => 10000, high_val => 0, switch_val => 0 }, 'ENHANCED'=>{ description=> "Astra\n"."10700 to 11700 MHz\n"."Single LO, 9750 MHz", low_val => 9750, high_val => 0, switch_val => 0 }, 'C-BAND'=>{ description=> "Big Dish\n"."3700 to 4200 MHz\n"."Single LO, 5150 Mhz", low_val => 5150, high_val => 0, switch_val => 0 } ); my %lnb_type=%{$lnb_types{'UNIVERSAL'}}; $lnb_type{low_val} *= 1000; # convert to kiloherz */ $lnb_type{high_val} *= 1000;# convert to kiloherz */ $lnb_type{switch_val} *= 1000; # convert to kiloherz */ my $hiband = 0; $hiband = 1 if ($lnb_type{switch_val} && $lnb_type{high_val} && $freq >= $lnb_type{switch_val}); my $sat_no = 0; #not sure what this is yet if ($hiband) {$ifreq = $freq - $lnb_type{high_val};} else { if ($freq < $lnb_type{low_val}) { $ifreq = $lnb_type{low_val} - $freq; } else {$ifreq = $freq - $lnb_type{low_val};} } warn ("VERBOSE: starting tuning process, adapter $opt_adapter.\n") if ($opt_verbose); $fe = new Linux::DVB::Frontend "/dev/dvb/adapter$opt_adapter/frontend0", 1; die("errore nell'aprire frontend!!\n") if (not defined $fe); $fe->blocking (1); if ($opt_verbose > 1) { warn "VERBOSE: DVB: adapter number $opt_adapter\n"; warn "VERBOSE: DVB: adapter name: ".$fe->{name}."\n"; warn "VERBOSE: DVB: ber: ".$fe->read_ber." snr: ".$fe->read_snr." signal strength: ".$fe->signal_strength."\n"; } if (diseqc($sat_no, $polarity, $hiband)){ if (do_tune($ifreq, $symbol_rate)) { my $status; for (0..10) { $status = print_frontend_status($fe->read_status); warn "status: $status \n" if ($opt_verbose > 1); last if ($status=~/HAS_LOCK/); sleep(1); } die "DVB: can't tune!\n" unless ($status=~/HAS_LOCK/); } else { return 0; } } return 1; } sub do_tune { my ($ifreq, $sr) = @_; die("DVB: FE_SET_FRONTEND failed") unless ($fe->set ( fec_inner => FEC_AUTO, frequency => $ifreq, inversion => INVERSION_AUTO, symbol_rate => $sr)); return 1; } #this whole process is explained in the linux dvb api sub diseqc_send_msg { my ($voltage, $cmd, $tone, $mini) = @_; die("DVB: FE_SET_TONE failed") if ($fe->diseqc_tone(0) == -1); die("DVB: FE_SET_VOLTAGE failed") if ($fe->diseqc_voltage($voltage) == -1); Time::HiRes::usleep (15*1000); die("DVB: FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD failed") if ($fe->diseqc_cmd($cmd->{msg}) == -1); Time::HiRes::usleep ($cmd->{wait}*1000) if ($cmd->{wait}); Time::HiRes::usleep (15*1000); die("DVB: FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST failed") if ($fe->diseqc_send_burst($mini) == -1); Time::HiRes::usleep (15*1000); die("DVB: FE_SET_TONE failed") if ($fe->diseqc_tone($tone) == -1); return 1; } sub diseqc { my ($sat_no, $pol_vert, $hi_band) = @_; my $cmd; @{$cmd->{msg}} = (0xe0, 0x10, 0x38, 0xf0); $cmd->{msg_len} = 4; $cmd->{msg}->[3] = 0xf0 | ((($sat_no * 4) & 0x0f) | ($hi_band ? 1 : 0) | ($pol_vert ? 0 : 2)); diseqc_send_msg($pol_vert ? 13 : 18, $cmd, $hi_band ? 1 : 0, ($sat_no / 4) % 2 ? 1 : 0); return 1; } # end dvb tuning stuff ########################################################################################## # we pass this sub: timeout for reading data; the id of the filters we want to start sub pollfilters{ my ($timeout, $filternums) = @_; my $MAX_FILTERS = ($MAX_ACTIVE_FILTERS > scalar @{$filternums} ? scalar @{$filternums} : $MAX_ACTIVE_FILTERS); my $sel = new IO::Select; warn "VERBOSE: Starting $MAX_FILTERS filters\n" if ($opt_verbose > 1); for (0..($MAX_FILTERS-1)) { start_filter($sel, $filternums->[$_]); } warn "VERBOSE: Starting polling\n" if ($opt_verbose > 1); while (my @ready = $sel->can_read($timeout)) { foreach my $fd (@ready) { warn print_filters_status() if ($opt_verbose > 2); my $buf=""; my $filter = get_filter_no($fd); next if (not defined $filter); sysread($fd, $buf, $read_buf_size); if (parsebuf($filter, $buf)) { #parsebuf returns 1 if filters needs to be stopped next unless($filters{$filter}->{finished}); $filters{$filter}->{demux}->stop; $sel->remove($filters{$filter}->{demux}->fh); $filters{$filter}->{active}=0; update $bar if (not $opt_quiet); my $all_done = 1; my $active_filters = 0; #we start another filter checktime(); foreach my $filternum (0..(scalar @{$filternums}-1)){ $active_filters++ if($filters{$filternums->[$filternum]}->{active}); last if ($active_filters>=($MAX_FILTERS-1)); next if($filters{$filternums->[$filternum]}->{finished}); next if($filters{$filternums->[$filternum]}->{active}); $all_done = 0; start_filter($sel, $filternums->[$filternum]); checktime(); last; } last if ($all_done); } } } warn print_filters_status() if ($opt_verbose > 2); } sub start_filter { my $flags = DMX_CHECK_CRC | DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; my ($sel, $filter_num) = @_; warn "VERBOSE: DVB: creating filter $filters{$filter_num}->{pid_mask}->[0], $filters{$filter_num}->{pid_mask}->[1]\n" if ($opt_verbose > 1); $filters{$filter_num}->{demux} = new Linux::DVB::Demux "/dev/dvb/adapter$opt_adapter/demux0"; die("Error creating demux filter!\n") if (not defined $filters{$filter_num}->{demux}); die("Error setting demux buffer!\n") unless $filters{$filter_num}->{demux}->buffer($read_buf_size); die("Error setting filter\n") unless $filters{$filter_num}->{demux}->sct_filter ($filters{$filter_num}->{pid_mask}->[0], $filters{$filter_num}->{pid_mask}->[1], $filters{$filter_num}->{pid_mask}->[2], $TIMEOUT_FILTER, $flags); $filters{$filter_num}->{demux}->start || die ("Error starting filter\n"); $sel->add($filters{$filter_num}->{demux}->fh) || die ("Error selecting demux filehandle\n");; $filters{$filter_num}->{active}=1; warn "VERBOSE: DVB: filter created ok\n" if ($opt_verbose > 1); return 1; } ########################################################### # dvb stream parsing subs # most of this is a port of lukkinosat's loadepg sub parsebuf { warn "Starting parsing buffer\n" if ($opt_verbose > 2); my ($filter, $buf) = @_; my $type = substr($buf, 0, 1); if (length $buf < 3) { return; } if ($type eq "\x4a" or $type eq "\x46" or $type eq "\x42"){# (/\x4a|\x46|\x42/){ warn "Parsing data for channels skybox\n" if ($opt_verbose > 2); return parsechannels($filter, $buf); } elsif ($type eq "\xa0" or $type eq "\xa1" or $type eq "\xa2" or $type eq "\xa3"){#(/\xa0|\xa1|\xa2|\xa3/) { warn "Parsing data for titles skybox\n" if ($opt_verbose > 2); return parsetitles($filter, $buf); } elsif ($type eq "\xa8" or $type eq "\xa9" or $type eq "\xaa" or $type eq "\xab"){#/\xa8|\xa9|\xaa|\xab/) { warn "Parsing data for summaries skybox\n" if ($opt_verbose > 2); return parsesummaries($filter, $buf); } elsif ($type eq "\x4e"){#/\x4e/) { #now /next #my $si_decoded_hashref = Linux::DVB::Decode::si $buf; #print Data::Dump::dump $si_decoded_hashref; #return; } elsif ($type eq "\xa5" or $type eq "\xa6" or $type eq "\xa7") { #TODO what are this packets?? return; } else { warn "Unexpected data type ".ord($type)."\n" if ($opt_verbose > 1); return; } #print $buf; return; } sub parsechannels { my ($filterid, $data) = @_; my %types = ("\x01" => 'video channel', "\x02" => 'audio channel', "\x05" => 'other', "\x19" => 'skyHD'); my @bytes = split //, $data; my $section_number = ord($bytes[6]); my $last_section_number = ord($bytes[7]); # SDT if ($data=~/^\x42/ or $data=~/^\x46/) { return unless ($endBAT > $maxBAT); warn ("VERBOSE: DVB: Parsing SDT\n") if ($opt_verbose > 2); $endSDT = 1 if (checkchannels()); if( $endSDT ) { $filters{$filterid}->{finished}=1; warn (" ******************* END SDT table\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); return 1; } my $tid = ( ord($bytes[3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[4]); my $nid = ( ord($bytes[8]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[9]); my $p = 11; my ($descriptor_tag, $descriptor_length, $service_name_length, $service_provider_name_length); warn ("tid $tid, nid $nid\n") if ($opt_verbose > 4); while ($p < (length ($data)-4)) { my $descriptors_loop_length = ( ( ord($bytes[$p+3]) & 0x0f ) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p+4]); my $sid = ( ord($bytes[$p]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p+1]); die if (not defined $sid); warn ("descriptors_loop_length $descriptors_loop_length, sid $sid\n") if ($opt_verbose > 4); my $i = $p + 5; my $loop = 0; while($loop < $descriptors_loop_length ) { if ($i+$descriptors_loop_length > (length ($data)+12)) { warn "Loop length is greater than data length? (".($i+$descriptors_loop_length).")\n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); return; } my @bytes2 = split //, substr ($data, $i, $descriptors_loop_length); $descriptor_length = ord($bytes2[1]); #descriptor_tag if ($bytes2[0] eq "\x48") { $service_provider_name_length = ord($bytes2[3]); $service_name_length = ord($bytes2[4+$service_provider_name_length]) - 1; #warn ("service_provider_name_length $service_provider_name_length, service_name_length $service_name_length, descriptor length $descriptor_length\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); my $name = substr ($data, $i+6+$service_provider_name_length, $service_name_length ); my $provider = substr ($data, $i+5, $service_provider_name_length -1); my $channel_id = find_channel_id($sid, $tid); warn ("provider |$provider| nome |$name|\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); $channels_info{$channel_id}{name}=$name; $channels_info{$channel_id}{tid}=$tid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{nid}=$nid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{sid}=$sid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{provider}=$provider; } elsif ($bytes2[0] eq "\xc0" ) { #this channels have no epg available $service_name_length = $descriptor_length - 1; my $name = substr ($data, $i+3, $service_name_length ); my $channel_id = find_channel_id($sid, $tid); warn ("nome |$name|\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); $channels_info{$channel_id}{name}=$name; $channels_info{$channel_id}{tid}=$tid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{nid}=$nid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{sid}=$sid; } $i += ( $descriptor_length + 2 ); $loop += ( $descriptor_length + 2 ); } $p += ( $descriptors_loop_length + 5 ); } } elsif ($data=~/^\x4a/) { #bat table if( $endBAT > $maxBAT ) { #$filters{$filterid}->{finished}=1; warn "------------------------- END BAT -------------------\n" if ($opt_verbose > 3);; return; } warn ("Parsing BAT TABLE\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); warn ("BAT section number $section_number / $last_section_number\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); my $bouquet_id = ( ord($bytes[3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[4]); my $bouquet_descriptors_length = ( ( ord($bytes[8]) & 0x0f ) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[9]); my $transport_stream_loop_length = ( ( ord($bytes[$bouquet_descriptors_length+10]) & 0x0f ) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$bouquet_descriptors_length+11]); my $p1 = ( $bouquet_descriptors_length + 12 ); $bouquets{$bouquet_id}{last_section_number}= $last_section_number; $bouquets{$bouquet_id}{sections}{$section_number}++; my $bouquet_descriptor = substr ($data, 12, $bouquet_descriptors_length); $bouquets{$bouquet_id}{descriptor}=$bouquet_descriptor; warn ("bouquet_id $bouquet_id, bouquet_descriptors_length $bouquet_descriptors_length, descriptor transport_stream_loop_length $transport_stream_loop_length\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); while( $transport_stream_loop_length > 0 ) { my $tid = ( ord($bytes[$p1]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p1+1]); my $nid = ( ord($bytes[$p1+2]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p1+3]); my $transport_descriptors_length = ( ( ord($bytes[$p1+4]) & 0x0f ) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p1+5]); my $p2 = ( $p1 + 6 ); $p1 += ( $transport_descriptors_length + 6 ); $transport_stream_loop_length -= ( $transport_descriptors_length + 6 ); warn("tid $tid, nid $nid, transport_descriptors_length $transport_descriptors_length, transport_stream_loop_length $transport_stream_loop_length\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); while( $transport_descriptors_length > 0 ) { my $descriptor_tag = $bytes[$p2]; my $descriptor_length = ord($bytes[$p2+1]); my $p3 = ( $p2 + 2 ); $p2 += ( $descriptor_length + 2 ); $transport_descriptors_length -= ( $descriptor_length + 2 ); ################################################### if ($descriptor_tag eq "\xb1" ) { $p3+=2; $descriptor_length-=2; while( $descriptor_length > 0 ) { if( $bytes[$p3+2] eq "\x01" or $bytes[$p3+2] eq "\x02" or $bytes[$p3+2] eq "\x05" or $bytes[$p3+2] eq "\x10") { my $sid = ( ord($bytes[$p3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p3+1]); my $channel_id = ( ord($bytes[$p3+3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p3+4]); my $sky_number = ( ord($bytes[$p3+5]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p3+6]); my $type = $bytes[$p3+2]; # if ($sky_number > 99 and $sky_number < 1000) { warn ("sid $sid, tid $tid, nid $nid, channel_id $channel_id, sky_number $sky_number type ".$types{$type}."\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); $channels_info{$channel_id}{nid}=$nid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{tid}=$tid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{sid}=$sid; $channels_info{$channel_id}{sky_number}=$sky_number; $channels_info{$channel_id}{type}=$type; $channels_info{$channel_id}{type_txt}=$types{$type}; #} } else { warn ("unknown type ".ord($bytes[$p3+2])."\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); } $p3 += 9; $descriptor_length -= 9; } } else { warn ("unknown descriptor tag ".ord($descriptor_tag)."?!?!?\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); } } } #check that we received all of the bouquet sections my $ok = 1; foreach my $b (keys %bouquets) { next unless (exists $bouquets{$b}{last_section_number}); for my $s(0..$bouquets{$b}{last_section_number}){ $ok = 0 unless ($bouquets{$b}{sections}{$s}); } } my @tmp = keys %bouquets; $endBAT+=$ok if ($#tmp> 1); } return; } sub parsetitles { my ($filterid, $data) = @_; if (length($data)<20) { warn "data < 20 \n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); return; } #if we see this sequence a second time it means the filters has started repeating data and we can stop it my $testdata = $data; if (exists $filters{$filterid}->{startdata} and defined $filters{$filterid}->{startdata}) { if ($testdata eq $filters{$filterid}->{startdata} or $sigint_stop) { $filters{$filterid}->{finished}=1; return 1; } } else { $filters{$filterid}->{startdata}=$testdata; } my @bytes = split //, $data; my $tid = ( ord($bytes[3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[4]); my $channel_id = ( ord($bytes[3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[4]); my $mjd_time = ( ord($bytes[8]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[9]); my ($mday,$mon,$year) = Linux::DVB::Decode::date $mjd_time; $mon='0'.$mon if ($mon<10); $mday='0'.$mday if ($mday<10); warn "filter $filterid channel_id $channel_id mjd_time $mjd_time $mday,$mon,$year\n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); #outside --days scope #FIXME return unless ($to_get{"$channel_id;$year$mon$mday"}); if ($mjd_time>0 and $channel_id>0) { my $p = 10; while ($p < (length ($data)-4)) { my $event_id = ( ord($bytes[$p]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p+1]); my $len1 = ( (ord($bytes[$p+2]) & 0x0f) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p+3]); if (($p+4)> $#bytes) { return; } if ( ord($bytes[$p+4]) != 0xb5 ) { warn ("errore gettitles, data error signature\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); return 1; } if ($len1 > length($data)) { warn ("errore gettitles, data length\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); return 1; } $p += 4; my $len2 = ord($bytes[$p+1]) -7; my $start_time = ( ( $mjd_time - 40587 ) * 86400 ) + ( ( ord($bytes[$p+2]) << 9 ) | ( ord($bytes[$p+3]) << 1 ) ); my $duration = ( ( ord($bytes[$p+4]) << 9 ) | ( ord($bytes[$p+5]) << 1 ) ); my $genre_ID = ord($bytes[$p+6]); my $len_data = $len2; my $title = substr ($data, $p+9, ($len2)); warn "chanid $channel_id event_id $event_id start ".xmltv_date($start_time)." duration ".printduration($duration)." title \"".dehuff($title, $code)."\" genre_ID $genre_ID(". $themes->{$genre_ID}.")\n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{start}=xmltv_date($start_time); $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{stop}=xmltv_date($start_time+$duration); $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{title}=[[tidy(dehuff($title, $code)), $LANG] ]; #$titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{desc}=[["chanid $channel_id evid $event_id title ".dehuff($title, $code), $LANG] ]; $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{category}=[[tidy($themes->{$genre_ID}), $LANG ]] if ($themes->{$genre_ID}); $p += $len1; } } return; } sub parsesummaries { my ($filterid, $data) = @_; if (length($data)<20) { return; } #we stop the filter if we've already seen this packet my $testdata = $data; if (exists $filters{$filterid}->{startdata} and defined $filters{$filterid}->{startdata}) { if ($testdata eq $filters{$filterid}->{startdata} or $sigint_stop) { $filters{$filterid}->{finished}=1; warn "filter $filterid da stoppare \n" if ($opt_verbose > 2); return 1; } } else { $filters{$filterid}->{startdata}=$testdata; } my @bytes = split //, $data; my $channel_id = ( ord($bytes[3]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[4]); my $mjd_time = ( ord($bytes[8]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[9]); my ($mday,$mon,$year) = Linux::DVB::Decode::date $mjd_time; $mon='0'.$mon if ($mon<10); $mday='0'.$mday if ($mday<10); warn "filter $filterid channel_id $channel_id mjd_time $mjd_time $mday,$mon,$year\n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); #outside --days scope #FIXME return unless ($to_get{"$channel_id;$year$mon$mday"}); if ($mjd_time>0 and $channel_id>0) { my $p = 10; while ($p < (length ($data)-4)) { my $event_id = ( ord($bytes[$p]) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p+1]); my $len1 = ( (ord($bytes[$p+2]) & 0x0f) << 8 ) | ord($bytes[$p+3]); if (($p+4)> $#bytes) { return; } if ( ord($bytes[$p+4]) != 0xb9 ) { warn ("errore gettitles, data error signature\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); return 1; } if ($len1 > length($data)) { warn ("errore gettitles, data length\n") if ($opt_verbose > 3); return 1; } $p += 4; my $len2 = ord($bytes[$p+1]); my $len_data = $len2; my $title = substr ($data, $p+2, ($len2)); my $desc = tidy(dehuff($title, $code)); warn "chanid $channel_id event_id $event_id summ $desc \n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); unless ($opt_no_cache_summaries){ print CACHE "$year$mon$mday|$channel_id|$event_id|$desc|\n" unless($seen_descs{"$year$mon$mday|$channel_id|$event_id"}); $seen_descs{"$year$mon$mday|$channel_id|$event_id"}++; } $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}->{desc}=[[$desc, $LANG] ] if ($desc ne ''); my %data; skylife_parse_data_slow($desc, \%data); foreach (keys %data) { $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}{$_}=$data{$_} if (not defined $titles{$channel_id}{$event_id}{$_}); #we might have duplicates } $p += $len1; } } return; } ########################################################################################## sub print_frontend_status { my $status = shift; my $str; $str.= "FE_HAS_SIGNAL " if ($status & FE_HAS_SIGNAL); $str.= "FE_HAS_CARRIER " if ($status & FE_HAS_CARRIER); $str.= "FE_HAS_VITERBI " if ($status & FE_HAS_VITERBI); $str.= "FE_HAS_SYNC " if ($status & FE_HAS_SYNC); $str.= "FE_HAS_LOCK " if ($status & FE_HAS_LOCK); $str.= "FE_TIMEDOUT " if ($status & FE_TIMEDOUT); $str.= "FE_REINIT " if ($status & FE_REINIT); return $str; } sub print_filters_status { my $str; foreach (0..((scalar keys %filters)-1)) { $str.=$_; $str.= ($filters{$_}->{active} ? 'A' : 'X'); $str.= (exists $filters{$_}->{startdata} ? 'D' : ' '); $str.= (exists $filters{$_}->{finished} ? 'F' : ' '); $str.= ' |'; } return $str."\n"; } sub get_filter_no { my $f = shift; warn "VERBOSE: DEMUX fh: looking for filter $f\n" if ($opt_verbose > 4); foreach (keys %filters) { if (defined $filters{$_}->{demux}) { if ($f eq $filters{$_}->{demux}->fh) { return $_; } } } warn "VERBOSE: DEMUX fh: ...not found!\n" if ($opt_verbose > 3); return undef; } sub xmltv_date { my $epoch = shift; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($epoch); my $month = $mon + 1; $month='0'.$month if ($month<10); $mday='0'.$mday if ($mday<10); $hour='0'.$hour if ($hour<10); $min='0'.$min if ($min<10); my $YYYY = $year + 1900; return utc_offset($YYYY.$month.$mday.$hour.$min."00", '+0100'); } sub printduration { my $seconds = shift; my @parts = gmtime($seconds); my $str = sprintf("%2dh%2dm",@parts[2,1,0]); return $str; } sub checktime { my $nowtime = time; if (($nowtime - $starttime) > $maxtime) { warn "timeout, closing up\n" unless ($opt_quiet); $DEBUG = 0; closeup(); } else { return 1; } } sub closeup { $SIG{INT} = \&closeup; # See ``Writing A Signal Handler'' if (not $DEBUG) { warn "caught sigint, finishing xml\n" unless ($opt_quiet); $sigint_stop = 1; return; } use Data::Dump; print "fe ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump $fe->get; print "############################################\n"; print "bouquets ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump %bouquets; print "############################################\n"; print "channels ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump %channels; print "############################################\n"; print "channels_info ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump %channels_info; print "############################################\n"; print "display_names ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump %display_names; print "############################################\n"; print "site_ids ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump %site_ids; print "############################################\n"; print "titles ############################################\n"; print Data::Dump::dump %titles; print "############################################\n"; exit; } sub checkchannels2 { foreach (keys %channels_info) { return 0 if (not defined $channels_info{$_}{name}); } return 1; } sub checkchannels { my @k = keys %channels_info; my $count = $#k; my $count_noname = 0; my @nonames; foreach (keys %channels_info) { $count_noname++ if (not defined $channels_info{$_}{name}); push @nonames, $_ if (not defined $channels_info{$_}{name}); } warn "checkchannels, $count_noname/$count without name\n" if ($opt_verbose>2); warn "noname: @nonames\n" if ($count_noname < 10 and $opt_verbose>2); return 1 if ($count_noname < $opt_min_noname); return 0 if ($count_noname > 0); return 1; } sub find_channel_id { my ($sid, $tid) = @_; foreach (keys %channels_info) { return $_ if ($channels_info{$_}{sid}==$sid and $channels_info{$_}{tid}==$tid); } return "$tid$sid"; }