package XMLTV::Options; use strict; use warnings; # use version number for feature detection: # 0.005065 : added --info / --man option (prints POD and then exits) our $VERSION = 0.005065; BEGIN { use Exporter (); our (@ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ], @EXPORT_OK = qw/ParseOptions/; } our @EXPORT_OK; =head1 NAME XMLTV::Options - Command-line parsing for XMLTV grabbers =head1 DESCRIPTION Utility library that implements command-line parsing and handles a lot of functionality that is common to all XMLTV grabbers. =head1 EXPORTED FUNCTIONS All these functions are exported on demand. =cut use XMLTV; use XMLTV::Configure qw/LoadConfig Configure SelectChannelsStage/; use Getopt::Long; use Carp qw/croak/; my %cap_options = ( all => [qw/ help|h version capabilities description info man /], baseline => [qw/ days=i offset=i quiet output=s debug config-file=s /], manualconfig => [qw/configure/], apiconfig => [qw/ configure-api stage=s list-channels /], tkconfig => [qw/gui=s/], # The cache option is normally handled by XMLTV::Memoize # but in case it is not used, we handle it here as well. cache => [qw/ cache:s /], share => [qw/ share=s /], preferredmethod => [qw/ preferredmethod /], lineups => [qw/ get-lineup list-lineups /], ); my %cap_defaults = ( all => { capabilities => 0, help => 0, version => 0, info => 0, man => 0, }, baseline => { quiet => 0, days => 5, offset => 0, output => undef, debug => 0, gui => undef, }, manualconfig => { configure => 0, }, apiconfig => { 'configure-api' => 0, stage => 'start', 'list-channels' => 0, }, tkconfig => { }, cache => { cache => undef, }, share => { share => undef, }, preferredmethod => { preferredmethod => 0, }, lineups => { 'get-lineup' => 0, 'list-lineups' => 0, } ); =head1 USAGE =over =item B ParseOptions shall be called by a grabber to parse the command-line options supplied by the user. It takes a single hashref as a parameter. The entries in the hash configure the behaviour of ParseOptions. my( $opt, $conf ) = ParseOptions( { grabber_name => 'tv_grab_test', version => '1.2', description => 'Sweden (', capabilities => [qw/baseline manualconfig apiconfig lineups/], stage_sub => \&config_stage, listchannels_sub => \&list_channels, list_lineups_sub => \&list_lineups, get_lineup_sub => \&get_lineup, } ); ParseOptions returns two hashrefs: =over =item * A hashref with the values for all command-line options in the format returned by Getopt::Long (See "Storing options in a hash" in L). This includes both options that the grabber must handle as well as options that ParseOptions handles for the grabber. =item * A hashref to the data loaded from the configuration file. See L for the format of $conf. =back ParseOptions handles the following options automatically without returning: =over =item --help =item --info (or --man) =item --capabilities =item --version =item --description =item --preferredmethod Handled automatically if the preferredmethod capability has been set and the preferredmethod option has been specified in the call to ParseOptions. =back ParseOptions also takes care of the following options without returning, by calling the stage_sub, listchannels_sub, list_lineups_sub and get_lineup_sub callbacks supplied by the grabber: =over =item --configure =item --configure-api =item --stage =item --list-channels =item --list-lineups =item --get-lineup =back ParseOptions will thus only return to the grabber when the grabber shall actually grab data. If the --output option is specified, STDOUT will be redirected to the specified file. The grabber must check the following options on its own: =over =item --days =item --offset =item --quiet =item --debug =back and any other options that are grabber specific. This can be done by reading $opt->{days} etc. =item B The behaviour of ParseOptions can be influenced by passing named arguments in the hashref. The following arguments are supported: =over =item grabber_name Required. The name of the grabber (e.g. tv_grab_se_swedb). This is used when printing the synopsis. =item description Required. The description for the grabber. This is returned in response to the --description option and shall say which region the grabber returns data for. Examples: "Sweden", or "Sweden (" if there are several grabbers for a region or country). =item version Required. The version number of the grabber to be displayed. Supported version string formats include "x", "x.y", and "x.y.z". =item capabilities Required. The capabilities that the grabber shall support. Only capabilities that XMLTV::Options knows how to handle can be specified. Example: capabilities => [qw/baseline manualconfig apiconfig/], Note that XMLTV::Options guarantees that the grabber supports the manualconfig and apiconfig capabilities. The capabilities share and cache can be specified if the grabber supports them. XMLTV::Options will then automatically accept the command-line parameters --share and --cache respectively. =item stage_sub Required. A coderef that takes a stage-name and a configuration hashref as a parameter and returns an xml-string that describes the configuration necessary for that stage. The xml-string shall follow the xmltv-configuration.dtd. =item listchannels_sub Required. A coderef that takes a configuration hash as returned by XMLTV::Configure::LoadConfig as the first parameter and an option hash as returned by ParseOptions as the second parameter, and returns an xml-string containing a list of all the channels that the grabber can deliver data for using the supplied configuration. Note that the listsub shall not use any channel-configuration from the hashref. =item load_old_config_sub Optional. Default undef. A coderef that takes a filename as a parameter and returns a configuration hash in the same format as returned by XMLTV::Configure::LoadConfig. load_old_config_sub is called if XMLTV::Configure::LoadConfig fails to parse the configuration file. This allows the grabber to load configuration files created with an older version of the grabber. =item list_lineups_sub Optional. A coderef that takes an option hash as returned by ParseOptions as a parameter, and returns an xml-string containing a list of all the channel lineups for which the grabber can deliver data. The xml-string shall follow the xmltv-lineups.xsd schema. =item get_lineup_sub Optional. A coderef that returns an xml-string describing the configured lineup. The xml-string shall follow the xmltv-lineups.xsd schema. =item preferredmethod Optional. A value to return when the grabber is called with the --preferredmethod parameter. Example: my( $opt, $conf ) = ParseOptions( { grabber_name => 'tv_grab_test', version => '1.2', description => 'Sweden (', capabilities => [qw/baseline manualconfig apiconfig preferredmethod/], stage_sub => \&config_stage, listchannels_sub => \&list_channels, preferredmethod => 'allatonce', list_lineups_sub => \&list_lineups, get_lineup_sub => \&get_lineup, } ); =item defaults Optional. Default {}. A hashref that contains default values for the command-line options. It shall be in the same format as returned by Getopt::Long (See "Storing options in a hash" in L). =item extra_options Optional. Default []. An arrayref containing option definitions in the format accepted by Getopt::Long. This can be used to support grabber-specific options. The use of grabber-specific options is discouraged. =back =back =cut sub ParseOptions { my( $p ) = @_; my @optdef=(); my $opt={}; my $capabilities = {}; foreach my $cap (keys %{cap_options}) { $capabilities->{$cap} = 0; } if( not defined( $p->{version} ) ) { croak "No version specified in call to ParseOptions"; } if( not defined( $p->{description} ) ) { croak "No description specified in call to ParseOptions"; } push( @optdef, @{$cap_options{all}} ); hash_push( $opt, $cap_defaults{all} ); $opt->{'config-file'} = XMLTV::Config_file::filename( undef, $p->{grabber_name}, 1 ); foreach my $cap (@{$p->{capabilities}}) { if (not exists $cap_options{$cap}) { my @known = sort keys %cap_options; croak "Unknown capability $cap (known: @known)"; } push( @optdef, @{$cap_options{$cap}} ); hash_push( $opt, $cap_defaults{$cap} ); $capabilities->{$cap} = 1; } if( $capabilities->{preferredmethod} and not exists($p->{preferredmethod}) ) { croak "You must specify which preferredmethod to use"; } if( exists($p->{preferredmethod}) and not $capabilities->{preferredmethod} ) { croak "You must include the capability preferredmethod to specify " . "which preferredmethod to use."; } push( @optdef, @{$p->{extra_options}} ) if( defined( $p->{extra_options} ) ); hash_push( $opt, $p->{defaults} ) if( defined( $p->{defaults} ) ); my $res = GetOptions( $opt, @optdef ); if( (not $res) || $opt->{help} || scalar( @ARGV ) > 0 ) { PrintUsage( $p ); exit 1; } elsif( $opt->{capabilities} ) { print join( "\n", @{$p->{capabilities}} ) . "\n"; exit 0; } elsif( $opt->{preferredmethod} ) { print $p->{preferredmethod} . "\n"; exit 0; } elsif( $opt->{version} ) { eval { require XMLTV; print "XMLTV module version $XMLTV::VERSION\n"; } or print "could not load XMLTV module, xmltv is not properly installed\n"; if( $p->{version} =~ m/^(?:\d+)(?:\.\d+){0,2}(?:_\d*)?$/) { print "This is $p->{grabber_name} version $p->{version}\n"; } elsif( $p->{version} =~ m!\$Id: [^,]+,v (\S+) ([0-9/: -]+)! ) { print "This is $p->{grabber_name} version $1\n"; } else { croak "Invalid version $p->{version}"; } exit 0; } elsif( $opt->{description} ) { print $p->{description} . "\n"; exit 0; } elsif( $opt->{info} || $opt->{man} ) { # pod2usage(-verbose => 2) doesn't work under Windows xmltv.exe (since it needs perldoc) if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require Pod::Text; Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, margin => 2, width => 78)->parse_from_file($0); } else { require Pod::Usage; import Pod::Usage; pod2usage(-verbose => 2); } exit 0; } XMLTV::Ask::init($opt->{gui}); if( defined( $opt->{output} ) ) { # Redirect STDOUT to the file. if( not open( STDOUT, "> $opt->{output}" ) ) { print STDERR "Cannot write to $opt->{output}.\n"; exit 1; } # Redirect default output to STDOUT select( STDOUT ); } if( $opt->{configure} ) { Configure( $p->{stage_sub}, $p->{listchannels_sub}, $opt->{"config-file"}, $opt ); exit 0; } # no config needed to list lineups supported by grabber if( $opt->{"list-lineups"} ) { print &{$p->{list_lineups_sub}}($opt); exit 0; } my $conf = LoadConfig( $opt->{'config-file'} ); if( not defined( $conf ) and defined( $p->{load_old_config_sub} ) ) { $conf = &{$p->{load_old_config_sub}}( $opt->{'config-file'} ); } if( $opt->{"configure-api"} ) { if( (not defined $conf) and ( $opt->{stage} ne 'start' ) ) { print STDERR "You need to start configuration with the 'start' stage.\n"; exit 1; } if( $opt->{stage} eq 'select-channels' ) { my $chanxml = &{$p->{listchannels_sub}}($conf, $opt); print SelectChannelsStage( $chanxml, $p->{grabber_name} ); } else { print &{$p->{stage_sub}}( $opt->{stage}, LoadConfig( $opt->{"config-file"} ) ); } exit 0; } if( $opt->{"list-channels"} ) { if( not defined( $conf ) ) { print STDERR "You need to configure the grabber before you can list " . "the channels.\n"; exit 1; } print &{$p->{listchannels_sub}}($conf,$opt); exit 0; } if( $opt->{"get-lineup"} ) { if( not defined( $conf ) ) { print STDERR "You need to configure the grabber before you can output " . "your chosen lineup.\n"; exit 1; } print &{$p->{get_lineup_sub}}($conf,$opt); exit 0; } if( not defined( $conf ) ) { print STDERR "You need to configure the grabber by running it with --configure \n"; exit 1; } return ($opt, $conf); } sub PrintUsage { my( $p ) = @_; my $gn = $p->{grabber_name}; my $en = " " x length( $gn ); print qq/ $gn --help $gn --info $gn --version $gn --capabilities $gn --description /; if( supports( "baseline", $p ) ) { print qq/ $gn [--config-file FILE] $en [--days N] [--offset N] $en [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug] /; } if( supports( "manualconfig", $p ) ) { print qq/ $gn --configure [--config-file FILE] /; } if( supports( "apiconfig", $p ) ) { print qq/ $gn --configure-api [--stage NAME] $en [--config-file FILE] $en [--output FILE] $gn --list-channels [--config-file FILE] $en [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug] /; } if( supports( "lineups", $p ) ) { print qq/ $gn --list-lineups [--output FILE] $gn --get-lineup [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] /; } } sub supports { my( $cap, $p ) = @_; foreach my $sc (@{$p->{capabilities}}) { return 1 if( $sc eq $cap ); } return 0; } sub hash_push { my( $h, $n ) = @_; foreach my $key (keys( %{$n} )) { $h->{$key} = $n->{$key}; } } 1; =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Mattias Holmlund. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. =cut ### Setup indentation in Emacs ## Local Variables: ## perl-indent-level: 4 ## perl-continued-statement-offset: 4 ## perl-continued-brace-offset: 0 ## perl-brace-offset: -4 ## perl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0 ## perl-label-offset: -2 ## cperl-indent-level: 4 ## cperl-brace-offset: 0 ## cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0 ## cperl-label-offset: -2 ## cperl-extra-newline-before-brace: t ## cperl-merge-trailing-else: nil ## cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2 ## indent-tabs-mode: t ## End: